tiistai 23. toukokuuta 2023

Kalastajalle kesätervehdys

 Koululaisilla kesäloma jo lähestyy hurjaa vauhtia ja ajattelinkin yllättää kummipojan tällä kalastus -aiheisella kortilla. Hän tykkää kovasti kalastella ja lomallahan onkin aikaa kalasteluun :)

Leimasimet: Magnolia 'Edwin waiting for fish' (SR11), Korttipajan tekstit

Muste: Versafine onyx black

Väritys: Distress Re-inkers

Stanssit: Nellie Snellen MFD079, Magnolia Doohickey box vol 26 'Under the Sea'

Paperit: Maja Design 'Summertime'

Kortilla mukana näissä haasteissa:

Sweet Stampin' Challenge Blog: Sweet Stampin' ~ Masculine (sweetstampinchallengeblog.blogspot.com)

Ally's Angels: Challenge #70 + Challenge #69 Winner & Top Picks (alessandrasangels.blogspot.com)

Allsorts challenge blog: Week 729 🎉

Let's Craft and Create: Challenge #195 - AG + Ribbon, Lace, Twine - (Use all or some) (letscreatechallenges.blogspot.com)

Kiitos paljon kommenteista <3

6 kommenttia:

  1. Thanks so much for sharing your lovely creation with us at Allsorts 14th Birthday challenge.

    B x

  2. Lots of wonderful details on this gorgeous card! Thank you so much for sharing with us at Allsorts challenge!

  3. A sweet image and lovely design. Thank you so much for joining the celebration challenge at Allsorts.

  4. What a sweet card! Love all of your flowers and the details you have added to this beautifully colored little guy. Thanks for sharing with us at Let's Craft & Create this month. Cathy LC&C DT

  5. Hello there - wow what a lovely image and a gorgeous card! Thanks for joining in with us at Sweet Stampin' this time, Sarah - DT.

  6. This is such a gorgeous card. Thank you for joining our challenge at
    Let's Craft and Create this week and good luck.. Ursula Uphof DT
